
Hi! I am originally from France and I lived in Japan for a few years.
I am now living in Singapore.

I am currently enrolled in a French two-year program (Diploma of Advanced Technician) in computer networking.

My background

After graduating from university, I moved to Japan and worked there for a few years.

I realized that the type of career I trained for at the university wasn’t actually for me. So I kept searching for a job I would be passionate about.

Finding out what I really wanted to do

As I was looking for the types of jobs that were in demand, I saw IT professionals were always mentionned. I have always been interested in computers so I thought that could be a good fit for me.

I started my journey by learning programming with Python.

I worked on my first website called DogUps. It was a platform for dog owners to meet up and have their dogs playing together. To build it, I used Django (Python web framework) and Bootstrap 5 (front-end framework).

Then I started researching about computer networking, cloud infrastructure, cyber security… and I completely fell into the tech rabbit hole.

In the end, I got very interested in computer networking and decided to focus on that.