Computer Networking

The TCP/IP Model

This will be a brief presentation of the TCP/IP Model.
The information about the different layers’ functions can be found in my previous article on the OSI model.

What is the TCP/IP Model?

Just like the OSI model, it is a conceptual model.
It also references a set of protocols that makes communications between computers possible.
This is the model that we use in modern networks.

The TCP/IP framework is similar to the OSI model except it has fewer layers.

There have been several versions of the TCP/IP model, the original being a four-layer model (presented in RFC 1122, Internet STD 3, in 1989).

But in modern networking, we refer to this five-layer model:

OSI Model vs TCP/IP Model
OSI Model vs TCP/IP Model

You can see in the image above that the Application, Presentation, and Session layers of the OSI model correspond to the Application layer of the TCP/IP model.

The rest of the layers (Transport, Network, Data Link, Physical) remain the same.

Jeremy’s IT Lab: Free CCNA | OSI Model & TCP/IP Suite | Day 3 | CCNA 200-301 Complete Course
Wikipedia: Internet protocol suite